Sunday 4 December 2016

Angels and Children

The image of Angels has always impressed me and since they appeared on the cave of Bethlehem when Jesus was born announcing “Glory to God in the highest,” they signaled to the shepherds where to find the newborn baby, who came to adore Him and pay Him homage, as did the Three Kings later on. Angels were also at the tomb where Jesus was buried. Naturally Angels remind me of innocent children in their unpredictability, innocence and spontaneity. Gratefully in my past ministries I was frequently surrounded with children, and especially when our parish had a grade school, I cherished the time I spent with them, celebrating Mass, visiting them in their classes, and presenting talks to them, in particular when I shared with the how Christmas is celebrated around the world. Christmas pageants also feature many children dressed as angels. It is a joy seeing little children running around with a care-free attitude, tirelessly chasing each other and playing freely with no concern about any of the world’s problems. Maybe we should learn a big lesson from them, and enjoy every moment and share joy, happiness, smiles and sheer exuberance. Too bad that childhood is so short-lived, and soon we’re facing college courses, dating, driving in heavy traffic and eventually raising a family themselves. Too bad we cannot remain like angels, ageless and ever young.

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