Friday 11 October 2024

Pope St John XXIII

Pope John XXIII, as a young priest, as Pope and as Bishop

We celebrate today the eternal feast of the beloved Pope John, the Pope of the Council. He was my childhood Pope as he reigned during my childhood and early teens. I have great recollection watching him on our Telefunken black and white TV during his election in 1958, then opening the Second Vatican Council and then his funeral in 1963. He was born in Sotto il Monte in Bergamo, Italy on November 25 1881, and was ambassador to Turkey, Bulgaria and France. He became Patriarch and Cardinal of Venice in 1953, and was elected Pope in October 1958, when the fellow Cardinals thought they were electing a short-term Pope after the long pontificate of Pope Pius XII. Yet in 6 years he revolutionized the church by convening all the bishops to reform the church, including the way we celebrate the Mass and other major changes which were much needed. Many said that he was opening the window of the church for some fresh air, but ended up causing a spiritual hurricane. He was well known for his jokes and one-liners. Walking among the people, one day shortly after his election, he heard a woman exclaim in a loud voice: "My God, he's so fat!" The new Pope casually remarked: "Madame, the holy conclave isn't exactly a beauty contest!"  On another occasion someone asked him how many people work in the Vatican, and his quick answer was 'About half!' Pope John XXII died on June 3, 1963.He was canonized along with Pope St. John Paul II on April 27,2014.

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