Wednesday 9 October 2024

I ain’t stupid

A young student Kevin was often bullied by some of his classmates. One day they stuck a sign that said ‘I am Stupid’ on his back. He didn’t know about this sign and his classmates would laugh at him, while he was oblivious of the trick played on him. At one moment the teacher wrote a mathematical problem on the board, and asked any volunteers to try to solve it. Nobody volunteered as nobody knew it. Finally Kevin, the boy with the ‘Stupid’ sign on his back went up to the blackboard and solved the problem within 5  minutes. The teacher turned to the rest of the class and asked them to applaud him. Then she took the ‘I am stupid’ sign from his back and showed it to him, telling him and the rest of the class, ’I’m sure you didn’t now about this sign on your back. But before giving a punishment to the rest of you for doing such an unkind gesture, let me tell you 2 things. All through your life, you will encounter many people who would put signs like this, so that you won’t advance more than they do. This smart boy who solved the problem didn’t know about the sign, otherwise he would never had come out to solve the problem. So learn from your own mistakes and ignore any signs others may place on your back. Be aware of the talents and gifts you have and do your best in whatever you excel, mathematics, languages, art, history or even just your kindness. Secondly, remember that little Kevin had no real friend to tell him about the sign. It doesn’t matter how many friends hang out with you and laugh with you – what matters is that you can find a true honest friend who can defend you, even when everyone seems against you.  And if you cannot claim any honest friends, then its OK to be alone, rather than having false friends who are quick to betray you.'

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