Wednesday 30 August 2023

Prayer of Mother Teresa

Jesus is: the word made flesh.....the bread of life,
the victim immolated for our sins on the cross,
the sacrifice offered for the sins of the world and for my sins in the Holy Mass,
the word to be proclaimed,..... the truth to be revealed,
the way to be followed,..... the light to illumine,..... the life to be lived,
the love to be loved,..... the hungry person to be fed,
the thirsty person to be given drink,.....the naked one to clothe,
the homeless to receive shelter,.....the sick to be cured,
the abandoned to be loved,....the outcast to be welcomed,
the leper whose wounds are bathed,....the beggar to whom a smile is given,
the drunkard who needs to be listened to,
the mentally disturbed who needs to be protected,
the infant who needs to be held in our arms,
the blind person who needs to be led by the hand,
the mute for whom someone must speak,
the crippled with whom one walks,.....the drug addict who needs help,
the prostitute who needs to be taken off the street and listened to,
the prisoner who needs to be visited,
the aged person who needs to be taken care of.

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