Thursday 26 August 2021

Who is Jesus to you?

To the artist, He is what is beautiful.

To the architect, He is the foundation.

To the baker, He is the bread of life.

To the banker, He is a hidden treasure.

To the biologist, He is the life.

To the builder, He is the cornerstone.

To the woodworker, He is the door.

To the doctor, He is the biggest specialist.

To the educator, He is the best teacher.

To the engineer, He is the only solution.

To the flower-seller, He is a bouquet.

To the chef, He is a perfect meal.

To the gardener, He is the most beautiful flower.

To the judge, He is true justice.

To the jeweller, He is the perfect diamond.

To the philosopher, He is the wisdom of God.

To the sculptor, He is a living stone.

To the servant, He is a good Master.

To the theologian, He is the author of faith.

To the sinner, He is forgiveness.

To all men and women, He is their Savior.

To God, He is ‘my beloved Son.’

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