Monday 30 August 2021

When everything goes wrong......

What to do when things go wrong around you?

There are days when everything you do seems to be going wrong. Projects you plan to do are disrupted by sheer misfortune. An e-mail you sent was taken the wrong way. You overhear untrue negative things said about you. Your favorite teams keeps losing one match after another. Comments from people who should appreciate you, seem to hurt you. etc, etc, etc. What can you do when such things happen? Some suggestions may help......

1.        Accept the present situation.

2.        Stick to the present. Rather than worrying about the future or dwelling on the past, focus on what is actually happening now and what is actually in your power to do now.

3.        Differentiate what you can and what you cannot change.

4.        Take one step, then another. Even if they're just baby steps, keep moving.

5.        Rather than focusing on the worst case, think instead of what else is possible.

6.        Look for the lesson. Challenging situations can often teach us what we have left to learn.

7.        Keep a positive attitude by remaining focused on solutions, skills, and strengths.

8.        Spend time with the people who support you.

9.        Appreciate the things going well, enjoy simple pleasures, and try to find the hidden gifts in the difficult times.

10.     Take care of yourself. Pray.

11.     Treat yourself with love and respect.

12.     Give it the test of time. Ask yourself if this will mean the same thing in one, five, or 10 years.

13.     Move your body, even if it's just walking for 10 minutes.

14.     Laugh. Watch a comedy. Call up a bubbly friend. Consider the stand-up routine version of this situation.

15.     Help someone else in need.

16.     Write. Vent your frustrations about this situation, brainstorm strategies to get out of it, or write about a more positive time in your life.

17.     Find a creative outlet.

18.     Read and reread motivational, inspirational, or encouraging words from others.

19.     Get outdoors and get inspired. Watch the sun rise or set. Listen to the birds. Take it all in to gain perspective.

20.     Give yourself a minute to regroup. Assess damages, sort out what can and cannot be done. Be patient.

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