Saturday 4 July 2020

Time to reflect and unite

The Declaration of Independence has great significance to the American people because it is what led to their independence from England and King George III in 1776. The Declaration of Independence justified their right to revolt against a government that no longer guaranteed them their natural rights and stated certain ideals that were important for them to have, such as liberty and equality.
One of the most important sentences is “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” The Declaration also plays a significant role in our world today and in recent history. It is because of the words in that document that women are now treated the same as men and that all races are treated equally. Without the words of our founding fathers some of the civil rights that have been passed might never have come to light. 
So let us pray today for those who are still suppressed and cannot enjoy any semblance of freedom. Let us pray in gratitude that we can speak freely, worship according to our personal beliefs (at least until now,) travel according to our needs or wishes, write whatever is on our mind and in our heart, and celebrate joyously every holiday that our country cherishes. But let us also respect one another, whether white or colored, whether rich or poor, whether young or elderly, whether Christian or non-Christian. And let us always remember those who have contributed to the history of the USA, irrespective of their affiliation at the time they lived, irrespective of their ethnic or racial background, and instead of tearing down statues that have been erected decades ago, let us reach out our hands in friendship and live in the freedom we all dream of.

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