Saturday 29 September 2018

Prayer for police officers and firemen

On this feast of the Archangels, today I want to share a prayer I wrote, offered for police officers and firefighters, whose patron saint is St. Michael. The other two Archangels are the Angel Gabriel and St Raphael.
Heavenly Father, on this feast of Saint Michael, we pray for the protection of all police officers who risk their lives to defend our safety and livelihood. May they serve us faithfully and dutifully as they try to keep order in our towns and villages. May St Michael intercede for them in tough times and in stressful situations. As they drive around and patrol neighborhoods, we pray for caution as they intervene in critical domestic situations. May we always thank them for their selfless love and dedication they have for their vocation. We pray also for all fire-fighters whose job is also always critical and dangerous. As their duty is to save people from fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, and other calamities, may they find the support, encouragement, and motivation not to give up in their challenging duties.  We are grateful for the sacrifices they go through in keeping everyone safe and sound. Let us remember also those 300+ police officers and fire-fighters who lost their lives on September 11, 2001, as we pray for their families and promise support and our heartfelt thoughts.

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