Saturday 6 May 2017

Listening to God

I heard a robin sing at sunrise, and heard God say “Good morning!” 
I saw a baby being born, and saw a miracle by God.
I watched young children playing, and saw God smiling.
I saw the waves splashing against the rocks, and saw God’s power.
I saw the sun setting on the horizon, and saw the beauty of God.
I noticed two lovers kissing, and saw the love of God.
I saw a mother leading her son to school, and saw the hand of God guiding us.
I prayed with a woman dying of cancer, and saw God on the cross.
I saw a whale on TV, and noticed God’s greatness.
I watched the stars in the night sky, and observed God’s omnipotence.
I saw a woman committing an abortion, and I saw God cry.
I admired a group of people praying, and I could see God in their midst.
I saw a large catch of fish, and saw God’s abundance.
I saw children receiving their First Holy Communion, and saw God giving Himself to us.
I saw a crowd of teenagers rejoicing, and saw God enjoying their company.
I saw a patient healed from sickness, and saw God’s mercy.
I saw young people sending messages on their IPhone, and saw God communicating with us.
I saw people eating in a restaurant, and observed God’s providence.
I heard another robin singing in the evening, and heard God say to me “Good Night!”

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