Monday 5 August 2024


Another flash-back  from my years in New York - When I was stationed at St. Anthony’s in Rocky Point, NY between 1991 and 1996, there were many young families in the parish. I was involved in the life of the children and the youth of the parish, besides working with the Pre-Cana team and organizing children’s liturgies, Youth Group activities, etc. Kevin and Colleen Sweeney were very active parishioners, and always so kind and gentle, smiling and welcoming, with two young boys, so quiet and obedient. Once they invited me to their house, and Colleen made sure to inquire of me what I like to eat. I made it a point always to tell people that I just don’t like melted cheese on anything, cooked carrots, and macaroni and cheese. Anything else is good for me.

Well, they somehow misunderstood my dislikes and thought that I said I really like cooked carrots. So when I arrived and sat down to eat, the first plate was carrot soup. Since I didn’t want to disappoint them, I slowly slurped the whole thing, which was not bad after all, especially with some croutons which made the taste of carrots less invasive. But what happened next will always be etched in my memory as well as theirs, and this became the most well-advertised hilarious scene of the decade. So, waiting for the main meal, hoping it would be some kind of meat, veggies and potatoes and a salad on the side, I was presented instead with a plate-full of carrots. 5 varieties of carrots! The large carrots, nicely peeled and steamed, medium sized carrots, on the yellowish side, and those little gourmet carrots which were possibly ordered from some specialty store. As I looked at them in fear and trepidation, Kevin smiled at me, waiting for a ‘hooray’ way of approval, while Colleen sat smiling on my side. At that she slowly pushed the whole plate towards me and uttered her famous words ‘aren’t you going to try the carrots?’ Needless to say, I started to smile and show a sour face, in trying to explain my predicament that they might have misunderstood my humble request in not having any carrots, as I don’t like them especially when they are cooked. At that both of them started to laugh and laugh and laugh, along with me and the two boys along with us.

Of course the rest of the meal was fine and we enjoyed each other’s company, but the story of the carrots spread like wild fire around town. And every time we meet, Kevin was ready with the gracious invitation....stop by today, we’re having carrot cake......we’re munching on carrot pie today.....come and sample our carrot goulash......come over tonight we’re having carrot salad! I felt bad for them going out of their way to get all those kinds of carrots and having to see them remain untouched, undisturbed and uneaten by whom they thought was a carrot aficionado. The joke spread around that whoever was inviting me for dinner would have some carrots to tease me. But all in all, people were very gracious and great hosts who love a good laugh over a nice dinner,..... and plenty of carrots!

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