Tuesday 21 May 2024

Photographing deer

When I was in Oregon for 13 glorious years, I developed a system of photographing deer, especially as I drove to my mission churches every weekend, a stretch of 110 miles round-trip for 8 years, and many other miles as I drove to visit people and minister to them. Of course I always carried the camera with me, and as I used to say, the camera was the wife I could never have, always in my passenger seat, or hanging around my neck, or of course winking at her as I focus looking at the viewfinder to take the best shot. So my secret to shooting deer with my camera was pretty simple. I could not do this with the blue heron or bald eagles, or other birds as they would fly away at the sight of any human being. 

But deer would be grazing in a field, and as I slow down my car, trying be as inobtrusive as possible, I would prepare my camera, then roll down the car window slowly, then focus, beep the horn – at that exact second, they would all look up to me, and click, take the photo, which always comes out pretty good as you can see from these 3 samples. (click on each photo to enlarge)

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