Saturday 11 May 2024

Bloody Wine

A farmer had a vine and was watering it with water from a nearby well. A friend of his saw him and asked him why isn’t he using a different watering system. He suggested using blood instead of water, and in fact he offered to give him some blood from his farm. So this man came back with four buckets of blood. He told him ‘make sure you water it well, you have a bucket full of blood of a lamb, another one blood of a lion, another one blood of a monkey and the fourth one is blood of a pig.’ The farmer obeyed the instructions and the vine gave an abundance of large grapes. His neighbors heard about this discovery and asked him for a sampling of a branch, so that they can try it. Now when the wine was produced and people drank from it, they found out that they first appear as sweet as a harmless lamb. If they drank some more, they however became as terrible as a lion. If they persisted in drinking, they would end up acting crazy and mischievously like a monkey. And if they haven’t had enough, another gulp will make them look really like a gluttonous pig. This story has a clever message. If you drink a little, it will do you good, but if you drink too much, you will go bankrupt, your health will suffer terribly and people will certainly make a laughing stock out of you.

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