Monday 8 January 2024

Our Baptism

With a new-born baby at the Baker City Cathedral, Dec 2012

There is nothing more precious than holding a new-born newly-baptized baby next to the nativity, connecting the new-born child to the new-born infant of Bethlehem, Jesus himself.  The Christmas season is not over yet, as today the Church celebrates the Feast of the Baptism of Jesus. It is therefore appropriate to look back at our own baptism today, and see how we lived up to the promises that our parents and godparents made for us when we were baptized. Since we were new-born babies when we were baptized, the majority of us do not remember that day, but our parents certainly do. I must have baptized over a thousand babies in my 46 years as a priest, and it is always an honor when I hear those words I DO when 6 important questions are asked about our rejection of sin and our affirmation of our faith in God, in Jesus and belief in the church. Let us recommit ourselves to be witnesses of the faith we received, and especially when those representing us, claimed their emphatic I DO! I DO reject everything that is evil! I DO believe everything the church teaches us! I DO believe in God, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much, Father Julian, for posting this wonderful picture of our daughter Abbey, her husband Arnaud, and their first child Francoise Isabelle. She is 11 years old now, in fifth grade and doing so well. Your words are a blessing for us. In Christ’s love, Jennifer
