Saturday 9 July 2022

Surviving a crash with prayer

The Aer Lingus plane that crashed in Birmingham

On January 1 1953, 25 passengers were on a flight from Dublin to Birmingham. When they had almost reach Birmingham, one of the 2 engines shut down, and a few minutes later the second one also shut down. The stewardess gave instruction to put the seat-belt on and wait , and pray. She calmly explained the seriousness of the situation and then knelt down in prayer. She told them: ‘Ladies and gentlemen,  I believe that this is a moment when we have to pray.’ She recited the Act of Contrition and then started the Rosary for  safe landing. Meanwhile the pilot was looking for any stretch of land where he could crash-land. As he did, he ripped a few trees, lost both engines, hit a wall and damaged severely the underneath of the damaged plane. But when the first rescuers arrived on the scene, they found all the passengers trying to crawl out of the plane, all unhurt, except for the pilot and co-pilot who had some scratches and superficial injuries. An expert in civil aviation said ‘this is truly a miracle as not one person lost his life!’ Yes, the power of Prayer.

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