Saturday 24 August 2019

The Life of St Julian

The statue of the redeemed St Julian in his parish church, with the Redeemer in the background. 
My patron saint had an interesting life which led from an unfortunate tragedy to a redemptive project which led to sainthood. He was born in Belgium in the 9th century and was a beloved son of Lusinda and Carlo, and loved hunting, especially for deer. One day, while ready to shoot down a massive deer with his bow and arrow, the deer spoke to him: “Julian, remember that if you shoot me and kill me, one day you will kill your own parents.” Perturbed by this premonition, Julian left town with his beloved wife Margherita, and settled in another area of Belgium, breaking the heart of his parents, who knew nothing of his whereabouts. Years later they started a long search for their son, and they were able to locate the place where he was living.
Julian loved his wife dearly, but some folks were very jealous of their relationship. When his parents arrived at their home, Margherita was delighted to greet them and since they were tired, she let them rest in their own bedroom. Meanwhile, she left home to tell the good news to Julian who was on a hunting trip. When he arrived home, a jealous friend told him that his wife was sleeping with another man. Infuriated and disappointed, Julian went into his home and seeing the two people sleeping in his bed, took his sword and slashed their heads off. As he left home, he is surprised to meet his wife who delightfully told him the great news of his parents’ arrival – and then he realized what he had mistakenly done, remembering the words of the deer he had encountered years earlier.
Nothing would console Julian, but he was determined to amend of his sin and left Belgium for Italy where he opened a hospital to care for sick people. With Margherita as a faithful nurse, they cared lovingly for all patients. One day, in the middle of the night, he heard the wailing of a sick person and went out to find an old man, with failing health. Julian carried him into the hospital and nursed him as best as he could. But suddenly a glowing light shone around that man who spoke to him, ”Julian, your love has redeemed you – your sin has been forgiven.” Thereupon the ailing man disappeared. He knew that it was Jesus talking to him through that man. Julian lived until his death with his wife serving the sick in that area, becoming known as Hospitaliers.

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