Saturday 18 November 2017

Beatitudes for Married Couples

I share with you today these Beatitudes for all married couples. This world would be a beautiful place if every couple follow these blessed rules. Dedicated to a special couple:

Blessed are couples who comfort each other. They provide refuge from the chill winds of the world. They create peace, harmony and warmth of spirit.

Blessed are couples who listen to each other. They heed not only words, but body language, the language of tone, mood, expression. They listen to understand rather than to argue.

Blessed are couples who caress. They warm each other’s bodies with soothing touch. They remember that as babies can die from lack of touch, so too can marriages wither from lack of closeness and affection.

Blessed are couples who respect each other’s rights. They remember that each is an individual entitled to make choices and mistakes from which they learn.

Blessed are couples who can be friends and partners. They remember that friendship can be a peaceful island in a world of turmoil. They can reflect upon the tranquillity of future years shared with a true friend. They are not battling enemies under the same roof.

Blessed are couples who allow each other to be individuals. They seek not to recreate each other into a new mold. They accept one another as God made them.

Blessed are couples who are open with each other. They avoid secretiveness that causes suspicion and doubt. They trust and reveal themselves to each other even as a budding rose opens to reveal its fragrance and beauty.

Blessed are couples who cherish their union. They let no one separate their togetherness, not child, friend, nor worldly goods. They maintain enough separateness to allow a unique oneness.

Blessed are couples who give each other approval. They know that compliments encourage confidence, while criticism divides. They do not point out the other’s mistake which all too soon each will discover anyway.

Blessed are couples who love one another. Love is the river of life, an eternal source of recreating oneself.

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