Friday 18 November 2022

Lots of Martinis !

This is another extract from my own autobiography which may bring a smile to your face, as I reminisce some peculiar incidents from my past years in the USA....

To celebrate the national feast of St Paul on February 10, I prepared another PowerPoint presentation on Malta to present during the Malta night. We wanted to serve some food, and I suggested to offer the Maltese typical snack known as ‘ħobż biż-żejt’ which the Altar Society volunteered to prepare. It was actually pretty easy as I asked each person to prepare a different vegetable, all diced up very small, and then we’ll mix them up just a few hours before the show. Then we’ll toast slices of bread and smear tomato paste with olive oil and spread a spoonful of the mixture on top. Most of the women volunteered to buy the ingredients themselves, but one elderly woman asked me to buy the green olives for her.  So later in the afternoon, I stopped at Albertson’s to buy the green olives. I picked up four large jars and headed for the counter. And this is how the conversation with the check-out girl at the counter went.

“Oh, my goodness Father, that’s a lot of martinis!”

“Well, they’re actually for my Malta night I’m organizing tomorrow. We have to dice up all kinds of vegetables to create a mixture....”

As the people behind me smiled, the girl smiled from ear to ear and said, “Yeah right!”

It was one of those funny moments that brought everyone to laughter, as they all knew I was not the type to drink martinis or vodkas until the olives are gone.

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