Sunday 12 August 2018

Our Beautiful World

Eternal Father, creator of every planet and star, of  the wind and the seas and the rain,
give us today, we pray, the mind and heart to rejoice in your creation.
Forbid that we should walk through your beautiful world with unseeing eyes.
Forbid that the lure and comforts of technology should ever entirely steal our hearts away from the love of open acres and the green trees.
Forbid that under the low roof of house and workshop, office or study, we should ever forget your great marvelous sky.
Forbid that when all your creatures are greeting the morning with songs and shouts of joy, we alone should wear a dull and sullen face.
Let the energy and vigor which you have infused into every living thing stir within our being. May your life and joy pulse through us.
And above all, give us grace to use these beauties of the earth without us, this eager stirring of life within us, as a means by which we respond to you, our Creator and our God.

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