Friday 17 August 2018

Chocolates with Jesus

A young boy had just finished his catechism classes and what he heard that day stuck with him as he was walking home. He heard the story of Jesus separating the sheep from the goats at the end of times and the message of whatever we do to others, we are doing to Jesus himself. So as he walked towards home, he passed by a park and noticed an elderly woman sitting on a bench by herself. As he approached her, he remembered the story and gave her a piece of his Snickers chocolate bar. She took it and smiled at him. He liked her smile so much that he gave her another piece of chocolate. She smiled even more and he too smiled at her, as he started to continue his walk home.  But he turned around again and ran towards her and this time gave her a big hug, for which she gave him a much bigger smile. He smiled back and ran home. As he arrived home, his mother noticed his unusual happiness and asked him what made him so happy. He told her: ‘Because I shared a piece of my chocolate with Jesus and she smiled at me.’ In the meantime, the elderly woman arrived at her home and was greeted by her sister who asked her, ‘you seem very happy today, sis, what happened to you?’ And she answered ‘because today I was in the garden eating chocolate with Jesus. And I was so surprised that he was so young and sweet.’ Yes, whatever you do with the least of my brothers and sisters, you do it to me,’ says Jesus. And he certainly loves chocolate, eating it and sharing it.

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