Sunday 9 July 2017

Prayer of a Mother

If I live in a spotless house with everything in its place, but have no love, I am just a housekeeper, not a homemaker.
If I have time to decorate my house, polishing the furniture and floors, but have no love, the children will learn how beautiful is cleanliness, but not that I am filled with the love of God.
Love ignores dust, so that my children can smile and be happy.
Love smiles when on the glass and polished furniture you can see the tiny fingerprints of my youngest child.
Love wipes the tears before wiping the milk that spilled on the floor.
Love picks up the child from the floor before you pick up the toys he left on the floor.
Love crawls on the floor with a tiny baby, walks with the toddler, runs with the child as he keeps growing, and then moves to the side to let him grow and mature.
Love is the key that opens the heart of any child.
Before I became a mother, I used to be so happy seeing my house in tip-top shape and spotless. Today I am happy when I see God in my son.
As a mother I have so much to teach my son, most of all, about Love.

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