Saturday 2 November 2024

Remembering our loved ones

The commemoration of All Souls is being observed today around the world, as people visit cemeteries to pay respect to their loved ones, place some flowers, light a candle, and say a prayer. Even though in the USA, such an event is observed on Memorial Day, still in most Christians countries, November is always cherished as the month when we remember our loved ones, who have entered eternal life before us.  We often look at death as a medical occasion, connected with hospitals, doctors, nurses, tests, pills, and other emotions that are heart-breaking for the immediate family. Instead, we should start to look at death as a spiritual experience which will see us reach heaven. So, instead of disappointment, we should feel a sense of reassurance, instead of sadness, contentment, instead of the end of everything, the beginning of a new life. "For those whom we love and lose are no longer where they were before, but they are now wherever we are, in our hearts, in our minds, in our souls." Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and may the perpetual light shine upon them. May our loved ones rest in peace.

Friday 1 November 2024

Scary, Saints and Souls

I see three Triduums in our liturgical year. The most obvious one is the Holy Week Triduum of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter. Then there is the Christmas, New Year and Epiphany Triduum, which all come within two weeks of each other. Then there is the Triduum of All Hallows’ Eve, All Saints and All Souls, which come back-to-back-to back, Oct 31, Nov 1 and 2. Halloween is a time for reflecting on our mortal state, for acknowledging our natural fear of mortality, but also to look at this in a jovial albeit a scary way. It’s cute to see children dress up in their favorite characters’ costumes and beg for candy with no harm at all. However the grown-ups are giving this festivity a scary and spooky trait, even adding some mischief as I remember in my years in the USA, by spraying shaving cream at each other and wearing hideous masks. But today we get more serious as we commemorate All the Saints that have been canonized by the church, and those that are canonized in our hearts, like our parents and relatives we knew lived a truly holy life. Tomorrow we remember those who may still be waiting in purgatory to enter into heaven. And for this to happen, our prayers, sacrifices and Masses we offer will speed up their entrance into heaven’s Hall of Fame. In these three days we see 3 categories of Christians, the Church Militant, the Church Triumphant and the Church Suffering. The Militant church is all of us still struggling through our life. The Triumphant church comprises all the saints who have already received their reward. And the Suffering church are the souls in purgatory, still waiting to receive their ultimate reward.