Tuesday 17 September 2024

Two plants

A young boy named Stephen asked his grandpa one day,’ Grandpa, I’d like to be successful when I grow up – do you have any advice for me?’Grandpa was delighted at the opportunity and took his grandson to a plant store and bought two rose bushes in pots. He took them home with them, and quickly planted one of them in the garden, and the other one in a small pot and left it inside the house. Grandpa asked Stephen which one does he think will bloom most beautifully. The boy said the one inside, because it will be protected from the wind, elements, bugs, etc. Grandpa answered simply by saying ‘We’ll see, we’ll see....’ He took care of both plants over the years while Stephen focused on his studies and other you activities as he grew up. Years later, Stephen asked him ‘Grandpa once I asked you what should I do to be successful, but you never gave me an answer.’ So grandpa took him to the yard and showed him a huge rose-plant covered with beautiful red roses, that has attached itself to a trellis. Then he took him inside and showed him the other plant that remained pretty small and unattractive with only a few roses. Stephen asked his grandfather why is this possible since the rose in the garden had to face the wind, the cold, the elements, bugs, etc. Grandpa slowly explained how when we face tough situations in life, we become stronger in the process. The rosebush outside, built a strong root network in the soil, while the leaves could point towards the sky and and absorb periodic sunshine. And if we act like that plant we will be successful in our life’s struggles. If we choose the easy way out, you will never grow, but if you face opposition and challenges, you will reach for the stars. Stephen couldn’t agree more, The same goes for us all. Without any struggles and challenges, we will never learn to overcome the impossible. The easy life never made great people, but most successful people went through tough times and courageously achieved what they dreamt to accomplish.

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