An elderly woman was talking to nice lady and asked her what she does for a living. Responding that she was a nurse, the elderly lady rudely asked her how much money she makes in such a nice job. The young nice lady responded by saying: ‘I work as a nurse, and instead of telling you much money I make, let me tell you what I do......
- When you are scared before an operation, I hold your
hands, and spend an hour with you to
encourage you and not to feel afraid.
- When your son was choking, I was the one to help him
breathe again.
- I can keep your father alive after he had his
- I get up at 5 in the morning to bring the medicine to
your mother who needs it to live a few extra days.
- I can work non-stop all day to save a life of a person
who I do not know.
- I often keep my own family waiting for dinner in the
evening, because I have to care for a patient who is anxious about his
- I occasionally do not have time to eat, since I need to
register the care your mother or wife needs in our hospital.
- I work often on Saturdays and Sundays, even on holidays,
just because people die on weekends too.
- Today I can save your life.
How much money do I make? I don’t know. I only know that with my work I can make a big difference in the life of many people.