Saturday 24 August 2024


On March 20, 2024, the latest “World Happiness Report” was released, sharing which of the world’s countries are both the most and least happy. The 12 happiest places to live in the world are 1. Finland. 2. Denmark. 3. Iceland. 4. Sweden. 5. Israel. 6. Netherlands. 6. Sweden. 7. Norway. 8. Luxembourg. 9. Switzerland.  10. Australia. 11. New Zealand. 12.Costa Rica.  By the way the United Kingdom is in the 20th position, the USA in 23rd,  Malta in the 40th and Italy in 41st. In the last 3 places are Lesotho, Lebanon and Afghanistan (141 to 143 places.) If you're interested, read the full list here

This is an interesting note on the value of happiness that I came across in my reading. Happiness can be broken down into four levels: “Immediate Gratification,” “Comparative Achievement,” “Contributive Happiness” and “Ultimate Good,” or faith in Christ. Immediate gratification finds temporary happiness through physically stimulated pleasure, such as indulging in a bowl of linguine or riding in an expensive car. Comparative achievement derives pleasure from one’s ego and self-consciousness, meaning that people seek happiness through fame and achievement. Often, people settle for this level of happiness, opting to pursue careers, money and fame that they believe will make them appear better than their peers. Humans achieve the third level, contributive happiness, through making a positive difference in the lives of other people. Both St. Teresa of Calcutta, St. Elizabeth of Hungary and St Augustine recognized this phenomenon, writing that when we do an act of service for somebody or something, we will achieve a greater level of happiness. At the root of this level of happiness is a love for the other person. The fourth, and final, level of happiness can only be achieved through connecting with that which is Ultimate Good, ultimate truth, ultimate beauty and ultimate being itself: Jesus Christ. The previous three levels fail to fulfil the deepest longings of the human heart. Only through fostering an intimate relationship with God through the gift of faith can one come to achieve this fourth level of happiness.  Over the last 100 years, the world has embraced secular themes and ideas, and as the world continues to accept this secular identity, fewer and fewer people identify as truly happy.

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