Friday 2 August 2024


A young boy asked his grandfather, ‘grandpa, how did you ever live in the past without computers, Internet, air-conditioners, televisions, cell-phones, parties, cars and all the stuff we have today?’ The old man turned to his grandson and told him ‘I don’t understand how children today can live without prayer, without respect, without knowing who is cheating you and whom to trust, and noise, traffic, building constructions everywhere you look, everyone in a rush, and breathlessly looking for luxuries, drugs, entertainment, and families who are so dysfunctional? So let me tell you how we used to live in the past. Riding a bike, we never used crash helmets. We played with our friends in the street, not always glued to a screen at home. When we got thirsty we drank from a faucet or a well, and not lemonade full of sugar. We never got fat eating all that candy We were never afraid to step over an obstacle when walking in bare feet on the grass. We made our own toys, sometimes with the help of our parents. We always play hide and seek, marbles and beads, jump rope, and we had fun for hours. We were poor but enjoyed our parents in a home filled with love. We never had a phone at home and of course never a cordless phone. We spoke to our friends at school, in our neighborhood, in church, in the sport ground or playing field, but never by an email. We admired birds and flowers, fish and animals in real life not in a picture sent by a mobile phone. When we visited our friends, we ate what their parents gave us, and they welcomed us as if we were family. Even our neighbors were like a family to us. Our parents listened to us, as we listened to them. I think young people today should get rid of their gadgets and stuff, and spend more time talking, laughing, crying, rejoicing, praying, and listening to each other. We will soon leave this earth, but it will do you a lot of good if you only experience some of our harshness and suffering and beautiful that we lived through. As long as you have the courage to love what is beautiful, not only what feels comfortable. As long as you have the strength to sacrifice a little, and not  choose only what is easy, entertaining and pleasurable. I hope you can start living your life, not just survive or exist.’

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