Saturday 17 August 2024

10 wild dogs

A certain King years ago, had 10 wild and savage dogs which he used to torture those who disobey him or did not do their work properly. One of the King’s servants made a small mistake one day and the King demanded that he’ll be thrown to the dogs, with no hope he would come out alive.  The man begged the king that he would give him 10 days before he starts his anticipated torture. The Kings accepted. Now during those 10 days, the man approached the dog’s carer and asked if he could feed them and care for them himself. The dog’s carer accepted and had 10 days free to be with his family. The condemned man started visiting the dogs and kindly fed them, washed them, and even played with them, gaining their confidence. Everyone was amazed at the gentleness shown to the fierce dogs and before you know it, 10 days went by quickly. And so after the tenth day, the King ordered the man to be thrown with the dogs, and instead of attacking him, they came to lick his feet and hands. The king was curious as to how the dogs did not devour that man and tore him to pieces. The man spoke up ‘dear King, I took care of your dogs for only 10 days, and they now respect me and even love me. And remember that I served you with the same fidelity for 10 long years. But when I made a solitary mistake, you forgot the service I gave you, and despised me, throwing me out of your life, and condemned me to the dogs. The king realized how cruel he had been and ordered the servant to be released and be hired as a counsellor to the king. Truly, how many marriages were broken, friendships destroyed, families dispersed, friends became enemies, because of a wrong word said, an unfair gesture or a rude comment. As I like to say to those who commit minor mistakes – it’s heart-breaking to see the good people get punished unfairly. Because when you’re right, no one remembers, and when you’re wrong, no one forgets.

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