Thursday 25 July 2024

The Cross in Marriages

Weddings at Siroki-Brijeg parish

A small town in Bosnia-Herzegovina, 29 km (18 miles) from Medjugorje is called Siroki-Brijeg, with a population of 6,000. All of them are Catholic and they have a world record for surviving marriages. While so many marriages are falling apart, in this town, there is no divorce and marriages are as strong as ever. The reason is a simple custom they have, called the ‘Cross in our Marriage.’ During the wedding ceremony, the couple approach the altar and receive a cross from the celebrant, as he reminds them to love the cross, and carry it bravely. The cross should never be abandoned or ignored, but they should love it, cherish it and care for it. The cross is blessed and the bride places her hand on the groom who carries the cross. And before they kiss each other, they kiss the cross, the symbol of their love. And as they may face some other crosses in their lives, they know that Jesus will be there to help them carry other crosses they may encounter along the way.

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