Wednesday 5 June 2024

Flashback from 1964

Pueri Cantores 1964 - I'm on the top row, 3rd from right

I take you back exactly 60 years ago, when I was part of a boys choir which was started by my second cousin Fr John Galea, who would eventually become the pastor at St Julian’s parish, and with whom I served for 4 years between 1977 and 1981. He brought together a group of boys, many of whom were also altar boys and rehearsed with us on a weekly basis various hymns and even parts of Masses which for us were quite difficult to memorize. Our group was called Pueri Cantores (Children Singers,) and we even had our own uniform as you can see from these two photos. We were even given a small bag to carry it in, which included a small wooden cross and a red cincture. We sang at Christmas and the feast of St. Julian as well as venturing to other parishes, singing at first Solemn Masses of newly ordained priests and various other celebrations.

Pueri Cantores 1965 - I'm on top row, 1st from right

We even appeared on local TV on February 2nd, the day of my baby brother’s baptism. During the summer all of us as well as the other altar boys went for a little 3-day holiday on the island of Gozo, along with Fr John and a few chaperones, including my father, who volunteered to be one of the cooks. When Fr John became pastor in 1966, he had to leave the Pueri Cantores, but continued with an adult choir which for a number of years became the top choir in Malta. Rehearsals for us meant also a football match in the streets close to the church, and because of it, more boys joined our choir.

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