Friday 28 June 2024


As of June 5, 2024, this was the world’s population......8,113,8559,660. That's over 8 billions inhabiting this earth!  Undoubtedly by now, that number has increased by a few more millions. Now have you stopped to think about the fact that just like you there is no other person in this world. Even if you are twins, there must be a tiny difference between you. But we each have our own personality, characteristics and peculiarities. Then again we have our own fingerprints, color of eyes, hair, voice, facial expressions, our own DNA. We are unique, and rest assured that in the history of the world, there has never been another person close to you, and there will never be another human being like you. We are all God’s children. He created us, of course with the help of our parents. He loves us all with the same intensity. Wouldn’t it be great if we do the same to each other!

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