Wednesday 7 July 2021

Jesus, Master, Teach Me

A few weeks ago I introduced you to a 100-year old prayer book by Fr. F.X Lasance, with a collection of old prayers. Here is another one that I found, written in the Old English style.

Teach me, teach me, dearest Jesus,

In thine own sweet loving way,

All the lessons of perfection

I must practice day by day.


Teach me Meekness, dearest Jesus,

Of thine own the counterpart;

Not in words and actions only,

But the meekness of the heart.


Teach Humility, sweet Jesus,

To this poor, proud heart of mine,

Which yet wishes, o my Jesus,

To be modelled after Thine.


Teach me Fervor, dearest Jesus,

To comply with every grace,

So as never to look backward,

Never slacken in the race.


Teach me Poverty, sweet Jesus,

That my heart will never cling,

To whate’er its love might sever,

From my Saviour, Spouse and King.


Teach me Chastity, sweet Jesus,

That my every day may see

Something added to the likeness

That my soul should bear to Thee.


Teach Obedience, dearest Jesus,

Such as was Thy daily food,

In Thy toilsome earthly journey,

From the cradle to the rood.


Teach Thy Heart, to me, dear Jesus

In my fervent final prayer;

For all beauties and perfections

are in full perfection there.


1 comment:

  1. If anyone has a physical copy of the book or is using the PDF, this prayer is on page 387. God bless. Thanks Fr Julian
