Thursday 12 March 2020

What did Jesus eat?

We always wonder what was Jesus’ menu, and what items was he fond of eating, more than others. These are 7 items that he definitely ate, besides others that may never have been mentioned, but here they are:
1. Figs – I always imagine Jesus walking in the countryside and munching on some figs he finds on trees he encounters, and it would be quite a fig-feast when the apostles are with him.
2. Honey – wild honey was a regular staple in John the Baptist’s diet, and I would imagine that Jesus had his share also of this sweet delicacy.
. Lamb – this was a popular meal in Jesus’ time, not to mention it was the chosen food for the Passover meal.
4. Bread –this was the item Jesus ate the most, and who knows how many delicious loaves of bread his mother baked for him. Barley bread was the most popular, known also as the food of the poor people. And who can forget the sensational miracle He performed when he fed 5000 men with the bread he had multiplied. And bread was the item he used to represent Himself in the Eucharst.
5. Olives – this was an item that was prominent in every meal. Besides, olives and its oil was used for medication and healing of various wounds.
6. Wine – it is mentioned frequently in the Bible, from the wedding at Cana to the Last Supper. It was also the second element Jesus used to represent Him in the Eucharist.
7. Fish – this was probably the main source of protein for Jesus. Surrounded often by fishermen, as were most of his disciples, no doubt Jesus enjoyed his ration of fish caught by Peter and his buddies. When multiplied the bread, he also multiplied the two fish into thousands. And after his resurrection, he asked for fish for breakfast when he appeared to the apostles by the Sea of Galilee.

Bon Appetit Jesus!

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