Monday 10 December 2018

A pre-Christmas Prayer

Dear God, deliver me from the phony Christmas; the one that reaches out its materialistic tentacles to capture me and rob me of the real thing.  Deliver me from the mania and madness of hurried schedules, from frantic shopping... the acquiring of goods for people who don't need them, don't want them, won't wear them and can't use them. Save me from the folly of mood changes brought on by holly, mistletoe, wreaths, tinsel and blinking lights. For once, O God, clear my ears of the ringing of coins in my pockets, cash registers and the clanging of bells and in their place let me hear the Angel's song.  For once let me fill my soul with the reading of the Christ-child, the wise men, the angels, and the star, instead of feeding my body on fruitcakes and cakes and mince pies (even though I really love them).  O Lord, don't let me fall prey again to all the trappings of the season to the point that I miss the real event.  Lord, deliver me from over-fondness of food, from overeating and drinking too much, from the yearning to party. Deliver me o God from the urge to spend with those plastic cards, the temptation to spend hundreds of euros in online spending, and then feel frustrated and shocked when the final bill arrives. Remind me Lord to dedicate at least one-tenth of the time I spend on my mobile and cellphone – in prayer and thanksgiving for all that You give me. And Lord, in the giving and exchanging of myriads of gifts, let me not forget to give a worthy gift to Him whose birthday it really is. Amen.

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