Sunday 19 March 2017

The gift of water

Seeing Jesus in today’s Gospel asking a Samaritan woman for water shows his humanity, yet His divinity shines through in this beautiful conversation between the two of them. He offers her special water that needs no replenishing. Whoever drinks of His water will never thirst.  We ask today for this special water that nourishes and cleanses at the same time. Water can also be destructive as happens during a flood, but it also destroys original sin when a baby is baptized. We appreciate the gift of Holy Water that is used so often for blessings of everyday objects. Just this past week, after one of my weekly Masses, I was asked to bless 8 fruit trees, an aquarium, a swimming pool and an architect’s office. The Samaritan woman could have reacted with fear. Yet she responded with courage, and brought the entire village to meet Jesus, who decided to stay with them for 2 days. So we thank you Lord today for this gift, and may we always feel nourished by Your life-giving water, and respond to your invitation with courage and gratitude.

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